
Archive for February 11th, 2010

Aging is a privilege

Somebody famous once said that, I do not remember who. In essence he/she is saying:  it is good to be alive and aging, versus being dead and you know… dead.

the thing is, things do not just keep that way because you died. That’s why corpses need to be preserved. If you want to be mummified, your nose will be broken so the brains can be removed (in small parts, of course) and placed with other innards into a bottle of oil and herbs. And then there’s the wrapping up, with salt and oil rubs in-between. If you are not getting mummified, you still need a cold room, you need make-up and all that. The thing is, time ticks on, whether you are alive or dead, and your body changes. No one is exempt, life is fair like that.

I remember watching Ferdinand change. It was a humbling experience, one filled with morbid beauty. I am deeply grateful for what he has shown me. In my mind he is young and old at the same time. Technically dead and lifeless, but I could still see the signs of life in him, and witnessed how they slipped away. And one day, the same will happen to me.

(I miss him.)

In my young days I talked about aging with grace. Of course. When you can go to bed at 3am and be up at 5am to watch the sunrise and have no need for night-creams, you can talk about aging with grace, al naturel.

But lately, my ears pricked up when I heard the ladies near to me talking about a miracle neck cream being sold at Costco. I cringe to think I laughed when I saw those butt-lifting underwear, coz I had just broken out my calculator to computate the benefits of owning one pair, and estimating how long each pair lasts, and how much lift they can muster against the force of gravity? Some months ago I saw lipsticks that will pump up the volume and snickered. Now I’m in a panic, searching the recycling bin for said catalog, after I’ve applied lipbalm for the third time this morning.

And then I remembered, to age is a privilege.

It is true, there is wisdom in that, very much. And always makes me think of those who die too young. And those who end their lives because they do not wish to age, want to be remembered only as young. And then there are those where no choices are afforded.

I always choose to believe Ferdinand made his choice. And I have to make mine too, come one day. (Or maybe not.) Right now, in the between, I contemplate the miracle creams, lingerie and the power of positive, youthful thoughts.

So, fess up now, are you using any youth-enhancing products? Do you own a pair of that butt-lifting underwear? Is there a jar of $200 for 0.5oz miracle cream in your bathroom? Don’t be stingy now, share your secrets.

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