
Archive for February 26th, 2010

tripping down memory lane

I’m going through old photos to find some to add to our cabin listing. I realize I have a ton of photos to sort through, organize and make coherent stories of. This is one of my projects this year. Seeing all these pictures of course brings back so many memories and continual surges of disbelief. I smile, chuckle, sigh and feel a little helpless as the tides of life just carry me along. I did swear a little too. I decided to dump some stuff here for personal therapy. Simply to acknowledge what was there, to pay tribute to what we had. You will be seeing and hearing a lot about the cabin, be warned.


I loved the variety there. The plants, the bugs, the animals. I could not name everything and it was at once amazing, humbling and frustrating. One day I took pictures of the different tree barks. The textures were intriguing, as if secrets were enfolded within. They remind me of wrinkled faces– weathered, but not worn down.


A few months after we bought the cabin we went off to Germany to stay with my in-laws for 6 weeks. When we returned, it was fall and glorious colors were everywhere in the mountains. We had trees full of apples.

Other than the Golden Delicious, we never did identify the other varieties, but they were all incredibly scrumptious. This was just part of our harvest:

It was really great, sampling the different apples, noticing the nuances in taste and color. Our taste-buds were titillated, and we realized what bland versions of apples we had fed ourselves in the past. I made batches of applesauce and some pies too. I remember inviting a couple of friends over to make applesauce and telling them, while cutting up the apples, that seeing my sister-in-law’s 10-month-old baby had aroused baby lust in me, and one of them felt that of course I wouldn’t want another baby- what extra trouble!  But I was already pregnant then, I just did not know it. I did not know what I was heading into.

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